Hi everyone,
I thought you might like this lovely tune that didn't make it onto The Who's latest album, Endless Wire. On this YouTube video, you'll see Pete demo-ing it for Rachel and Mikey. It's ethereal, disturbing, and just another example of why I think this guy is a musical genius.
Okay, private song. another of his. Imaginative and all-seeing. Packed with imagery. You know it!
hi'ya Chaim!
Thank you, so much, Chaim - for putting the song here. It's my favorite of all of them - even the "old" Who/Townshend stuff. Watching him perform ::hushed tone:::: "it" in the Attic is like being privy to a wonderful "secret" garden. So intimate. It's lovely and as you noted ... disturbing. Such sadness dwells there in that soul; but, also joy. It's an amazing piece.
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